Thursday, 24 April 2008

Overcoming Stuttering and Filler Words - The Marble Technique for Eliminating Speech Impediments

I st... st... st... ststutter... While severe stuttering is a medical problem and should be addressed by a health care professional, mild stuttering and other speech obstacles are impediments no one need suffer. Do you occasionally get caught on a word? Do you read smoothly, or does your speech break in places where it shouldn't? Do you say 'uh' or 'like' between every word? Here's how to fix it.

Materials Required

Boiling water (don't worry, it won't hurt!)
Books (preferably a Dr. Seuss, a Harry Potter, and a Bible)


Marbles may pose a choking hazard.
Do not just drop marbles into boiling water - they may shatter! Allow them to heat with the water instead.


1. Sterilize 2-4 marbles in boiling water.
2. Grab a Harry Potter book.
3. Put marbles in mouth, but don't swallow!
4. As clearly as possible, read the book out loud.
5. Hear speech problems disappear!

Added Benefits

Improved enunciation.
Increase lip and tongue coordination.
Greater appreciation for unimpaired speech!

Why does it work? Marbles force you to speak slowly and to concentrate on the actual mechanics of speaking. They also make it hard to make any unnecessary sounds – so you won't say 'uh' or 'like'! Most importantly, however, the break old habits. When you are focusing on speaking itself, you don't utilize the same neural pathways that caused your stuttering, pausing, and other speech impediments. New habits replace the old!

To increase the marble drill's effectiveness, use Harry Potter (or another book) as a gage only. Read Dr. Seuss to increase flexibility and speed, and read the Old Testament to really break the old habits and give your brain a workout along with your mouth. When the reading gets easier, go faster!

Happy Speaking!

Devin R. Bean is a nationally acclaimed public speaker and writer. He currently edits and attends Harvard University. Visit for more free public speaking advice!

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