The boy wizard Harry Potter couldn’t have survived all these years without the help of his wizardly friends, Hermione, Ron Weasley, Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Professor Lupin, and so many others. If you are considering a Harry Potter Party then you may all ready know something about his character and the series of books by J.K. Rowling.
Harry Potter was born several years ago in the wizarding world to his loving parents. Unfortunately at the time there was a war being waged among the wizards. Harry’s parents were fighting for the good against the Lord Voldemort. This evil Lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents when he was just a babe and attempted to get at Harry, but Harry was saved by his mother’s love and this caused Lord Voldemort to lose his powers and come close to death.
Professor Dumbledore placed Harry with his ‘muggle’ or non-magic folk, Aunt and Uncle until he would be old enough to enter Hogwarts School of magic. The years passed and Harry came of age. J.K. Rowling’s series of books starts just a few days before Harry turns eleventh. She has planned out seven books and written six of them so far that follow Harry’s adventures in magic at the wizarding school and the background plot involving Lord Voldmort’s return to power and the second war between good and evil in the wizarding world.
Harry Potter learns in the series that its very possible that he could have ended up a normal boy with a normal but magical life, but Lord Voldemort interpreted a prophecy to believe Harry was to be his downfall and thus attempted to get at Harry. This is really a coming of age series, following Harry as he grows up and learns to handle his powers, but it is also lots of fun, especially the early books when Harry is more of a kid.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gail_Leino
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